Meet the Editor

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Hi my name is Courtney DuPont. I’m your simple college student dreaming of working in the professional sports world. I go to Rutgers University and study journalism and media studies with a specialization in sports. I work with Rutgers’ Big Ten Network, BTN, student Union, and enjoy reporting for them weekly. One day I would like to work for the National Football League, NFL.

I have been a St. Louis Rams fan since I was seven. Yes, I did say I was a St. Louis Rams fan, and that is because I grew up knowing the Rams as a St. Louis Missouri team. When i was seven I went to a meet and greet in Trenton, New Jersey, with my father who is also a Rams fan. While we were there I met a man name Kurt Warner. My dad took a picture of me and Kurt and before we parted ways he kissed my cheek, and well fokes, that is all it took. I was Kurt’s number one fan from  that day on. Since that day I have watched football religiously, and made sure to never miss a Rams game.

Nonetheless, I am fully aware that the Rams have moved back to their original city, Los Angeles, and I could not be more excited about it. I love L.A, and I think the organization will prosper there.

So here is to the Los Angeles Rams, may they prosper in their new/old home.